With a focus on “love where you live,” the Kaupapa of the Small Township Programme is about designing a liveable and attractive central space that allows freedom of movement, connectivity and accessibility.
Councillor Barbara Faulls, Chair of the Small Townships Programme Sub Committee, said, “the programme aims to strengthen the sense of place and identity of our smaller communities and enhance the use and enjoyment of the outdoor public spaces within them”.
The programme aims to hold community consultation as its foundation as it seeks to understand the town’s unique identity, key concerns, issues, and aspirations. Stakeholders include local residents, businesses, community organisations and government agencies.
The Township Plan provides a reference for the Small Townships Programme’s future investment in the area. Council’s contributions usually relate to public spaces and infrastructure. However, a Township Plan can also offer a reference point for the community who wish to work on projects. Having an agreed list of projects in the plan will enhance coordination and may help when seeking funding from external agencies.
“People know their own places and needs best, and Council is there to guide processes and deliver outcomes for those who live, work and play there now and into the future” said Council’s Small Townships Manager, Heather Graham.
The Small Townships Programme has successfully completed projects with funding from the Council, including the Renwick Village Green, Canvastown Streetscape, Spring Creek Ferry Bridge carpark, and pedestrian safety improvements in Grovetown and Spring Creek.
Others, such as Rai Valley Village Green and Havelock’s Neil Street upgrades, saw the Small Township Programme work in with other Council departments and budgets.
The eligible towns that are currently on the Growing Marlborough Strategy list are: Anakiwa/ Tirimoana, Canvastown/Wakamarina Valley, Grovetown, Havelock, Linkwater/the Grove, Momorangi Bay, Ngakuta Bay, Ohingaroa Bay, Ōkiwi Bay, Rai Valley Township, Rārangi, Renwick, Seddon, Spring Creek, Tuamarina, Wairau Valley and Ward.