About Seddon
Residents say they appreciate:
- the beautiful and productive environment they live in.
- access to the sports and community facilities
- volunteers who donate their time and energy to deliver community projects and to provide community services such as Fire and Emergency
- Seddon’s other unique features, including the Awatere rail bridge, the steam train that brings visitors to Seddon, and the development of the Whale Trail
How it can be even better
Local people identified lots of opportunities to improve the town, including:
- better linkages between the town centre, Awatere River, and the Whale Trail
- more signage and trees
- building on the success of Tui Garden and the Market on the Green
- visitor information at the Seddon War Memorial about the significant landmarks visible from this location, local history, and the Memorial
- more affordable housing through rules which allow for granny flats and duplexes as permitted activities
- local access to a practice nurse one day a week, and a locally based police officer
- a paid coordinator to progress community initiatives one day a week
Upcoming projects
Plans include work on the following projects over the short term:
- possible investment in the Tui Garden as a town recreation area
- pedestrian safety improvements in the Newcome Street area
- signage to make it easier for people to find their way around
- landscaping of the pedestrian and cycle accessways in Seymour Street and the Main Road
- planting and other improvements at the southern end of the Awatere Rail Bridge
Future opportunities
Other projects to be considered in future include:
- planting on the Marama Road bank opposite the school, and in Duncan Street
- signage at the Railway Station to welcome people arriving on the steam train
- information boards at the War Memorial
We invite you to review the draft plan and let us know what you think. Feedback received by 8 a.m. Monday, September 30th, 2024, will be used to finalise this plan.
Feedback can be sent to: