Rural Broadband Programme 2022

Remote Users Scheme
The role out of the government's Remote Users Scheme, announced in November 2022, will allow some of New Zealand’s most remote communities to receive broadband for the first time.
The Remote Users Scheme aims to equip as many remote households as possible with the connectivity infrastructure needed to access broadband services.
In some of these communities, there is currently only access to voice calling and text services. In other locations, there is internet – but the speed of it is incredibly slow and its use is limited.
A reliable connection will make it easier for remote businesses to operate, pay invoices and network and help connect remote communities to online health services and educational tools.
Who will administer the scheme?
Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP) will administer the Remote Users Scheme and will soon be calling for applications from potentially eligible households and communities. A request for proposal from internet service providers will follow. It is expected that new broadband connectivity infrastructure for the eligible areas and households can begin being built in mid-2023.
How do I register my interest?
If you live remotely and have connectivity issues, you can register your interest in the government's Rural Users Support scheme in two ways:
1. Fill out the registration of interest online form on the CIP's website
Go to CIP's website to register your interest
2. Download the Crown Infrastructure Partners' printable registration of interest form
Existing digital connectivity programmes