Positive Ageing
Marlborough's Ageing Population
Older people represent a significant and growing proportion of the Marlborough population. In the 2023 census, 23.9% of the total population was aged 65 or over; a total of 10,548 people. These demographics are expected to increase in the coming years.
The Marlborough District Council takes this into account when considering policy. Council’s Positive Ageing Forum meets monthly to network, share valuable information and discuss issues affecting the older adults living in our community.
Older adults are a valued and important part of the community and there are various ways Council offers help to this group.
Age Friendly Strategy 2022 - 2027 was developed by Council, along with service providers and the wider community. The strategy captures the priorities of older adults who live in Marlborough and provides direction for this sector.
Seniors' Expo - This event is held in March each year at the Marlborough Events Centre. This is an opportunity to speak with the organisations who support older adults and get information and is free for all to attend.
Housing for the Elderly - Council owned units are rented to elderly people who meet the criteria. Units become available from time to time and enquiries can be made at APL Property Limited. Phone 03 577 7780 blenheim@aplproperty.co.nz
Transport - The Blenheim Bus, with free travel for senior citizens, is available six days a week, serving both the north and south sides of town. A bus service also operates several days per week from between Picton and Blenheim. Latest timetables are available from Council offices and libraries or online.
Go to our Bus Routes in Marlborough page
Total Mobility Scheme - Subsidised taxi travel is available to those who qualify for this assistance.
Go to our Total Mobility Scheme page
Rates Rebates - Lower income people who pay the rates for the property they live in are eligible to apply for a rates rebate.
Go to our Rates Rebate page
Council also publishes information resources – Positive Ageing and Get Connected booklets (links below). Copies of these can be collected from Council offices and the Picton library, as well as Citizens Advice Bureau and many support agencies.
For further information about the above information or resources contact Jodie Griffiths at Council or email jodie.griffiths@marlborough.govt.nz
Do you have Difficulty Getting to Medical Appointments in Nelson
If so, the Marlborough Community Vehicle Trust has been created just for you. The above trust has been created to carry people to medical appointments in Blenheim and Nelson.
Should you require this service, you will need to be a member of the trust (cost $20 per annum). The return trip will cost between $30 - $60 per passenger (depending on distance).
If you live in the Picton area the pick up will be from your home but beyond that we will pick up anywhere along Queen Charlotte Drive and State Highway 6.
Check out their new website:
Go to the Marlborough Vehicle Trust website
To join the trust and get more details, please phone: 03 574 1311 or email: soundsvehicle@gmail.com.