All plantings must consist of native plants grown from a suitable local sourced seed or plant material.
Applicants are responsible for ordering plants within a reasonable timeframe after grant approval, which ensures timely planting and reduces risk of delays due to shortages.
The applicant is responsible for ongoing maintenance of plantings, including watering and weeding.
The applicant will be required to supply photos to Council immediately after planting and again 12 months later.
Plantings will be completed within the specified time period, maintained according to good husbandry practices, and protected for a minimum of five years.
Council staff (or contractors) may inspect the plantings annually, provided they notify the landowner a minimum of five working days prior.
Details of funded plantings will be included in the Marlborough District Council's Geographic Information System (GIS) database of plantings, which is available for public viewing.
GIS information may be anonymously aggregated and provided to Government agencies to help understand the extent of environmental rehabilitation in the region.
Photos, project names and details may be used for promotional purposes for the scheme.