Aquaculture Variation Decisions
Due to the map-based version of Volume 4 - Maps, there is not a tracked changes version of this volume. A link to the relevant planning map is provided below.
Where an error or omission has been identified in mapping/provisions that does not reflect the Hearing Panel’s decision, these errors have been amended. Errata for Volumes 1 to 3 will be incorporated into a tracked changes version of the PMEP and the associated comment in the right hand column will identify the change as 'errata'. Where the error or omission is to Volume 4, the change will be incorporated (without identification) into the map or overlay, as has occurred with all Panel decisions on this volume. As errata are issued they will be incorporated into a document which will be made available on the Aquaculture Variations hearing portal under the tab labelled: ‘Errata - Error or omissions identified after the decision release’.
Go to the Aquaculture Variations - Variations 1 and 1A hearing portal