Murphys Creek Option G: Stormwater Upgrades
Water quality improvements in Springlands
As part of the current resource consent for discharging stormwater to Taylor River, water quality improvements will be implemented using proprietary stormwater treatment devices to remove sediment, oil, grease and debris from Murphys Creek that was captured in stormwater along SH6 and Boyce Street (Phase 2). The devices allow for easy inspection of debris and maintenance access and is a low energy option for capturing and storing pollutants of concern.
The concept design identified that water quality would be addressed through the installation of water treatment devices of varying purposes throughout the stormwater system. For Phase 1, a proprietary stormwater treatment device will be installed in the Aston Street area as part of the Murphys Road stormwater network upgrade. This will treat stormwater from that section of the catchment before it discharges to Murphys Creek.