Stormwater systems collect water from houses, driveways and roads and then pipe or channel it to natural waterways. Marlborough District Council operates urban stormwater disposal systems in Blenheim, Picton, Havelock, Seddon, Spring Creek, Renwick and Riverlands. The urban stormwater systems consist of 120 km of pipe drains, many of which are over 600 mm in diameter.
Residents should be aware that all surface water run-off collected by the stormwater networks drain to natural waterways. The Resource Management Act 1991 does not allow anything but natural water to be discharged from these networks.
As each town or settlement develops, the piping becomes part of an organised system. Council has stormwater plans for Marlborough's main townships and for some smaller areas.
The need to dispose of large volumes of water makes the development of stormwater systems extremely costly. This, coupled with the infrequent nature of storm events, makes stormwater disposal a challenging management issue.
Reporting problems
To report stormwater overflows, ponding, service problems or any other problems or concerns please phone: 03 520 7400 (24-hour service).
Minor problems can be reported by email: or fax: 03 520 7496.
Fees and forms
See connection and disconnection fees
Apply for connection or disconnection application forms