Applying for a Resource Consent
Processing of Applications
Council processes applications in accordance with procedures defined in the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). Applications can be processed in one of three ways.
Non-notified Applications (not advertised)
If Council is satisfied your activity will have only minor adverse effects on the environment, and if all persons Council considers may be affected by your proposal have approved it in writing, your application may not need to be notified.
Council staff dealing with your application will assess your proposal, usually visiting its location.
A written decision on a non-notified application is normally issued within 20 working days of Council's acceptance of the application.
Limited Notification Applications (Served only on Affected Parties)
Limited notification applies where it is determined that the proposal will have no more than a minor adverse effect on the environment, but the written consent of all affected parties has not been received. Council is required to serve notice on all the affected parties.
The period for lodging a submission is 20 working (statutory) days. A hearing shall be required if a submitter requests to be heard. The hearing procedure is the same procedure as that for a publicly notified application hearing.
Publicly Notified Applications (Advertised in the Local Newspaper and Served on Affected and Other Statutory Parties)
Council has 10 working days from acceptance of the application to notify the application. If your application is to be publicly notified, the details of it will be advertised in the local newspaper(s) to give members of the public the opportunity to make submissions on your proposal.
Persons that Council considers may be affected by your proposal are advised of it by mail. A sign may be placed on the property identifying it as the site of the application.
Submissions usually close 20 working days after the advertisement appears in the newspapers.
If your proposal is generally in accordance with RMA and plan requirements, and no submissions are received that require a formal hearing, then the application may proceed as for a non-notified application.
If your proposal is not generally in accordance with RMA and plan requirements and/or submissions are received that require a formal hearing, the application will be considered at a hearing of the Resource Hearings Committee (usually comprising three councillors). In some cases an independent commissioner will hear the application. This hearing is scheduled within 25 working days of the closing date for submissions closing.