Council’s Blenheim office, Marlborough Library (Blenheim) and Picton Library and Service Centre are closed on Waitangi Day, Thursday 6 February.
Please note that Zoom meeting links are provided for each hearing, but will only be activated if required.
If you wish to attend the hearing meeting using the Zoom meeting link provided, please advise Council's
Hearing Facilitator, Ashleigh Meadowcroft:
Email our Hearings Facilitator
There are several ways that you can access documents and information about applications that are currently set down for hearing.
Using the Resource Consent Hearings Tab to the right of this page will take you to the Resource Consents Hearings Portal. All resource consent applications set down for hearing may be viewed within this portal.
Each hearing is listed by reference to the application number and applicant's name. You will find all of the publically available documents that have been lodged with Council and that may be referred to during the hearing under that folder title.
You will find the published notice of hearing information and schedule date, time and location of the hearing.
Presently there are two applications for consents (U190438 Proposed New Salmon Farms - Blue Endeavour and U2300349 Proposed Waima River Water Take) that have their own portal tabs. These tabs are also found to the right of this page. These applications have a high volume of lodged documents and have accordingly been provided a separate portal.
Access to hearing documentation and information via these portal tabs will be ceased after the relevant application is determined and any the appeal period for that decision ends. The information may still be accessed via Council's Property Files Online or Smart Maps. Please see the links for these two services below.