Proposed Environmental Outcomes
What are Environmental Outcomes?
An environmental outcome is what success looks like for a value. If an environmental outcome is reached and / or maintained, then a value is being provided for successfully.
Every value identified must have a corresponding environmental outcome.
The environmental outcomes also link to the long-term visions - when the outcomes are achieved, visions are achieved.
Environmental outcomes will become objectives in the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan (PMEP).
The NPSFM recognises Māori approach freshwater management in a different way. Council is working with the nine tangata whenua Iwi within Marlborough to identify environmental outcomes important to Iwi. These will also be incorporated into the council’s planning and decision-making processes to ensure they are provided for.
Proposed Environmental Outcomes for the Marlborough Sounds Complex FMU
Fourteen values have currently been identified for the Marlborough Sounds Complex FMU. Combining those values with the visions and aspirations gathered in the first round of community engagement, the following environmental outcomes are currently proposed for the Marlborough Sounds Complex FMU.
- Ecosystem Health – The five biophysical components that contribute to freshwater ecosystem health are managed.
- Water quality – Freshwater quality supports and sustains healthy waterbodies and their freshwater ecosystems.
- Water quantity – Waterbody flows and levels, including variability, supports and sustains healthy waterbodies and their freshwater ecosystems.
- Habitat – The extent, form and structure of waterbodies including their bed, banks and margins are maintained, protected and enhanced, including riparian vegetation. Restoring, retaining and maintaining connections to and between channels, floodplain and wetlands including refuges to enable recolonisation following disturbance.
- Aquatic Life – Waterbodies and their margins support and sustain abundant, healthy and diverse biota, including microbes, invertebrates, plants, fish and birds. Indigenous ecosystems are thriving, and populations are resilient to disturbance including changing climatic patterns.
- Ecological Processes – Healthy functioning ecological process occur in waterbodies and their margins, including primary production, nutrient cycling, trophic connectivity as well as life cycle functions such as feeding, migration, reproduction.
- Human contact – Waterbodies can be enjoyed and are safe for people to connect with through a range of recreational activities, including swimming in the Waitohi River, paddling, mahinga kai and food gathering and exploring, when flows or levels are suitable. The receiving environment of the coastal marine area can also be enjoyed and are safe for people to continue to undertake a range of water-based activities in the coastal marine area, including swimming, paddling, kayaking, paddle boarding, boating, water skiing, fishing and mahinga kai and food gathering.
- Threatened Species – Habitats of threatened species and conditions necessary to support the presence, abundance, survival, and recovery are protected and improved. Habitats for species identified for the Marlborough Sounds are protected and enhanced. Coastal marine habitats, as receiving environments of freshwater rivers and streams, are not adversely affected by freshwater inputs.
- Mahinga kai – Kai, including whitebait, watercress and tuna (eels), is safe to harvest and eat from rivers, stream, wetlands and the mauri of the place is intact. The ecological and cultural mauri of the Moawhitu lake and wetland on D’Urville Island is restored and taonga species to Ngati Koata such as tuna are thriving. Customary resources are available for use, with customary practices able to be exercised to the extent desired, and tikanga and preferred methods able to be practised. Transfer of knowledge can occur including the species / resource location, harvesting, preparation, storage and cooking of kai.
- Natural form and character – The very high natural character of the Waitohi River (excluding urban Picton) and the high natural character of the Graham and Kenepuru Rivers is protected. Waterways continue to contribute to the outstanding landscapes and landforms of the Marlborough Sounds.
- Drinking water – Water quality and quantity is sufficient for water to be taken and used for drinking water supply with minimal treatment to meet Drinking Water Standards. Drinking water supply sources including the upper Waitohi River (Essons Valley water supply), the Tuamarina (Speeds Road) groundwater supply and multiple small stream supplies to dispersed communities are protected. Allocation of water for domestic and community water supplies is prioritised over other water uses.
- Wai tapu – Special places to tangata whenua relating to the Waitohi River and Waikawa Stream, Moawhitu lake and wetland and its surrounding catchment on D’Urville Island are protected. Other places where rituals and ceremonies are performed, or where there is special significance to tangata whenua are free from human and animal waste, contaminants and excess sediment. The features and unique properties of the wai and identified taonga in the wai are protected.
- Fishing – Whitebaiting at the mouth of various Marlborough Sounds streams is sustainable, being in sufficient numbers to maintain a thriving population and are safe to be eaten.
- Animal Drinking water – Drinking water for farmed animals is safe and palatable, being available to meets the needs of farmed animals, including allocation during droughts to provide for animal welfare.
- Irrigation / Cultivation / Production of food and beverages – Within waterbody and freshwater ecosystem limits, water is available to support irrigation needs for the cultivation of food and beverage crops, the production of food from farmed animals, non-food crops such as fibre, and pasture.
- Commercial and Industrial use – Water quality is suitable for commercial and industrial use activities, with allocation related to efficient use requirements supporting economic opportunities for people, business and industries, within waterbody and ecosystem limits.
- Recreation and Amenity – Waterbodies are desirable to be close to and access to waterbody margins is maintained and enhanced, supporting a range of opportunities for recreational activities to take place close to waterbodies including walking, cycling, picnicking, camping and enjoyment of the natural Sounds environment, except in circumstances where public health and safety, ecological or cultural values are at risk.
- Access – Public access to waterbodies and their margins is maintained and enhanced, subject to landowner permission if access over private land is required and except in circumstances where public health and safety, ecological or cultural values are at risk.
- Education – The Waitohi River continues to be used for education with stream studies and learnings. There is opportunity to explore, investigate and learn about waterbodies and freshwater ecosystems, subject to landowner permission if access is over private land and except where ecosystem health, natural values and cultural values are adversely affected.
Environmental outcomes, values and visions are all interlinked. A table showing these linkages is below:
Considering the feedback from engagement round 2 and once each FMUs community freshwater values have been firmed up, the freshwater policy staff will make any appropriate changes to the environmental outcomes.