Te Hoiere / Pelorus
The Te Hoiere/Pelorus Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) takes its name from the largest river in the catchment, the Te Hoiere/Pelorus River, and is 1,042 square kilometres in area, stretching over 45 kilometres from its south-westerly point in the Richmond and Bryant Ranges widening to the northeast to adjoin the Marlborough Sounds Complex FMU. The Richmond Range is the southern boundary of the FMU with the highest peak being Mt. Richmond (1,760m), while to the northwest the Bryant Range forms the boundary between the Marlborough and Nelson regions, with the Marlborough Sounds to the northeast. The rivers within this FMU all flow into the marine environment at the Motuweka/Havelock Estuary which is the largest in the Marlborough Sounds and is situated at the head of the Te Hoiere/Pelorus Sound.
A significant portion of the upper catchment area and river headwaters for the Te Hoiere/Pelorus FMU is covered in native bush while most development has occurred on the valley floors, primarily with farming and forestry activities on the lower slopes.