Marine Farming Association Incorporated and Aquaculture New Zealand
- AJ King Family Trust & SA King Family Trust - s274 notice (PDF, 369.8KB)
- Apex Marine Farming Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 368.4KB)
- Aroma (NZ) Limited and Aroma Aquaculture Limited - s274 notice (356.9KB)
- Beleve Limited, R J Davidson Family Trust and Treble Tree Holdings Limited - s247 notice (PDF, 357KB)
- Clearwater Mussels Ltd and Talley's Group Limited - s247 notice (PDF, 366.8KB)
- Clova Bay Residents Association Incorporated - s274 notice (PDF, 167.4KB)
- Delegat Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 372KB)
- Environment Defence Society Incorporated - s247 notice (PDF, 140.1KB)
- Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay (Inc) - s274 notice (PDF, 101.2KB)
- Goulding Trustees Limited and Shellfish Marine Farms Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 367.7KB)
- Guardians of the Sounds Incorporated - s274 notice (PDF, 132.1KB)
- Haro Parnership - s274 notice (PDF, 355KB)
- Just Mussels Limited, Tawhitinui Greenshell Limited and Waimana Marine Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 358KB)
- K J B Marine Farms Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 362.5KB)
- Kenepuru and Central Sounds Residents Association Incorporated - s274 notice (PDF, 407.4KB)
- Kiwi Rail Holdings Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 91.7KB)
- KPF Investments Ltd and United Fisheries Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 364.1KB)
- Marine Farming Association Incorporated and Aquaculture New Zealand v MDC - Notice of Appeal (PDF, 13.4MB)
- Marlborough Environment Centre (Inc) - s274 notice (PDF, 115.7KB)
- Meachen, Jeffrey - s274 notice (PDF, 205.1KB)
- Minister of Conservation - s274 notice (PDF, 163.2KB)
- Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated - s274 notice (PDF, 453.5KB)
- Te Runanga o Kaikoura and Te Runanga O Ngai Tahu - s274 notice (PDF, 215.7KB)
- The New Zealand King Salmon Co. Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 368.9KB)
- Trustpower Limited - s274 notice (PDF, 236.8KB)
- Yachting New Zealand - s274 notice (PDF, 299.6KB)
- Yardley, Brent - s274 notice (PDF, 827.7KB)