Asbestos Disposal, CFCs and CFLs
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the gases which were used until about 20 years ago in most refrigeration and air conditioning units. Under the Ozone Layer Protection Act 1996, it is against the law to knowingly release these gases into the atmosphere.
Council contracts a registered operator to de-gas all such units which are dropped off for disposal at the transfer stations. This is done before the units are crushed and transported from the district for recycling.
Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and fluorescent tubes
Unlike the traditional incandescent light bulbs, the modern CFL bulbs emit most of their energy as light rather than heat. This makes them between 50% and 80% more efficient. They also last about eight times longer.
On the downside, they contain a small amount of mercury which, if not recovered responsibly, can cause harm to the environment and to human and animal health.
Domestic quantities of used CFLs and fluorescent tubes can be dropped off at the Hazardous Waste Centre or the Regional Transfer Stations (excluding Ward) free of charge, commercial users can bring them down to the Hazardous Waste Centre for disposal (there may be a charge for disposal depending on quantities). All components of the bulbs are recycled.
Commercial customers should contact an electrical supplier about disposal options.