Making a Complaint
If you wish to make a complaint about a dog nuisance, report a problem dog or you have found or lost a dog, please call Animal Control. Remember, the service is 24/7.
Phone: +64 3 520 9033
Fax: +64 3 520 9035
When making a complaint it would be helpful if you could provide as many details as possible including:
- description of dog
- dog owner
- dog's address
- details of incident
If the incident is serious, it is important that you call Animal Control immediately. Animal Control needs to know of any dog attacks or rushes, dogs that are unregistered, or roaming dogs.
If the incident is less serious, you may wish to talk to the dog owner first as they may be able to deal with the problem. Remember, some dog owners may not be aware that their dog is creating a problem.