Developing a Freshwater Farm Plan
What are the options for developing a Freshwater Farm Plan?
Anyone can develop a Freshwater Farm Plan and there are several pathways for doing so, including:
- Industry service providers who have been working to update their programmes. Get in touch with your provider to see what support they can offer.
- Engage a Freshwater Farm Plan certifier, advisor, or consultant. A list of approved certifiers for our region will be available on the Council website once they have been trained and appointed.
- Develop a Freshwater Farm Plan from scratch. For this, it is advised that farmers use the MfE’s guidance document or industry guidance.
Freshwater Farm Plans will need to accurately reflect a considerable amount of information, so we recommend getting some professional support to develop the first plan. - Update an existing farm environment plan or other farm plan to meet Freshwater Farm Plan requirements. Go to appendix 2 of the MfE’s guidance document for a full list of these requirements.
What’s the process for developing a Freshwater Farm Plan?
Tasks to complete before the final certification date (18 months from switch on) for your area:
- Check whether a Freshwater Farm Plan is needed and then check the final submission date for the catchment the farm is in.
- Select the preferred pathway for developing a Freshwater Farm Plan:
- Through an industry programme
- Engaging a certifier, advisor, or consultant
- Creating a Freshwater Farm Plan that meets the requirements. - Get a Freshwater Farm Plan developed, including an action plan.
- Engage a certifier and ensure that the plan is submitted to a certifier from the approved list.
Tasks to complete after the Freshwater Farm Plan has been submitted to a certifier
- Achieve certification.
- Implement the actions in the Freshwater Farm Plan.
- Engage an auditor (within 12 months of certification) and arrange for an audit. The certified Freshwater Farm Plan will gain a grade between A and D. This grade determines the timing of the next audit.
- Get the Freshwater Farm Plan recertified every 5 years, or earlier if required due to significant changes occurring (e.g. additional land, change in farming activity, change in operator).