What to do next
To obtain permission to transport waste to the industrial ponds via tanker please follow instructions below:
Email request to tradewaste@marlborough.govt.nz
- Trading Name
- Contact details including cell phone.
- Location/Address
- Type of Waste e.g., cross flow filtrate, centrifuge waste, lees etc.
- Total Volume
- Daily Volumes if applicable
- Independent Lab report for first load including TBOD, TSS, pH & COD
- Once permission is granted, based on initial lab report. We will require independent report for at least every second load discharged at ponds.
If results show parameters exceed the limits a warning will be given.
A second set of results that exceeds the limits will likely end up with the permissions for discharge being removed.
We will also be conducting random sampling on site at point of discharge.
The performance of the Industrial ponds system is key to the continued acceptance of tankered waste.
Whilst we will attempt to give adequate warning of at least 48hrs, removal of tankered waste discharge permissions maybe given with little to no warning and less than 24hrs.
Bluegums Landfill
Other alternatives can include disposal to Bluegums landfill, remembering the landfill is for solid waste and can only accept very small quantities of liquid waste on daily basis, acceptance to landfill will be considered under the following characteristics:
Bluegums Landfill acceptable characteristics are:
- 50% Total Dry Solids
- Max volume 100 m3/day.
Historically, RDV cake in good solid form has not created a problem. However, material coming from high solids cross flow filters has proven to be very difficult to manage and was creating odour.
We are happy to continue to accept RDV cake in the form that has been common if this has been delivered in previous years and processes haven't changed. Providing it is of the same consistency as in previous years it can be taken to the landfill without a solids test being carried out. However, wineries may want to satisfy themselves that is meets the solids threshold. In these scenarios we will focus on measuring the solid composition (50%) as it arrives. If any solid waste arrives that consequently tests below 50%, we will push back on future deliveries from that source.
Waste from high solids cross flow filters will have to be tested for solids content before delivery is made. Once there is a history and understanding of what the cake with a solids content of 50% or greater from these filters “looks like” from each winery we will begin to accept this also without a solids content test.
Meeting these parameters is more than has been required in the past but we are looking to protect the landfill against the problems caused by the very liquid material received last year. Council’s consent to operate the landfill requires that there are no objectionable odours beyond the boundary. This was experienced last year during harvest.
For consideration to discharge at Bluegums Landfill please provide information direct to MDC Solids Waste Manager – Mark Lucas at mark.lucas@marlborough.govt.nz. He will require the same information as shown above.
We intend to keep everyone informed as soon as things develop. However, we encourage the use of the Antenno App as we will be sending out important messages through this system.