Street Trees
Street trees improve the overall appeal and enjoyment of our neighbourhoods and urban areas. These trees can provide summer shade for the comfort of pedestrians and residents as well as a link to nature acting as a source of appreciation and delight. Street trees can also soften the hard lines of buildings and roads and reduce traffic noise and improve air quality.
Getting a street tree
The Council plants street trees once a year in late autumn. If you would like a tree for your street just email your request.
Email Marlborough District Council.
The Park and Open Spaces Team of the Council will then consider whether to plant a tree. Physical constraints, safety and traffic issues are all taken into account in deciding where to plant trees.
All residents of streets where there is proposed to be trees will be asked for their views before any planting takes place. Some species of trees are better than others in street environments and the proximity of houses and services such as water, sewer and power are all considered. More information about the planting of street trees can be found in the Council's Tree Policy.
Go to Tree Policy on our web page
How you can help keep street trees healthy
- Water it regularly over the first few growing seasons, the best time is early in the morning or evening
- Keep the base of the tree free of weeds and other competing plants, avoiding the use of herbicide
- Keep lawn mowers back from the base of the tree's base to prevent bark damage
- Let us know of any trees that have been damaged, vandalised or died
- Heap soil up against the trunk as this can cause decay or rot
- Put fresh grass clippings around the base of the tree. The heat build-up can suffocate roots and ring bark young trees.
- Prune or trim trees
- Dig too deeply around its base. This will destroy the young feeding roots that are close to the surface.
The well-being of street trees is looked after by qualified arborists. Trees are inspected by the arborists on a regular basis with work being undertaken where needed.
The Council has the responsibility to manage trees it owns where these may come into contact with overhead power lines (Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003). From time to time the Council may need to top trees to avoid contacting power lines but only where absolutely necessary.
Please do not attempt to prune, trim or remove Council-owned trees. You may be prosecuted if you remove or damage a street tree. If you are concerned about the health of a street tree or it is causing you problems, please contact the Council on 03 520 7400 or by email at
Removing a street tree
Sometimes street trees have been planted in a location that over time has meant they have become unsuitable for the site. This may be where the road berm is narrow and there is insufficient room for growth without affecting footpaths, roads or private property. At other times a developer undertaking a subdivision may be faced with a tree in the location where a drive way is intended.
People are able to request a tree to be removed. Council staff will assess the request for removal against the provisions of the Tree Policy. The request must be made on the Application to Remove a Tree' form