NES-F Factsheets Council has produced the following downloadable factsheets that support the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (NES-F): Culvert_Installation_Guide.pdf (PDF, 3.4MB) NES-F Factsheet - Agricultural Intensification (PDF, 1.1MB) NES-F Factsheet - Feedlots and Other Stockholding Areas (PDF, 1.4MB) NES-F Factsheet - Intensive Winter Grazing (PDF, 2.4MB) NES-F Factsheet - Resource Management Regulations 2020 (PDF, 699.1KB) NES-F Factsheet - River Structures Regulations (PDF, 601.6KB) NES-F Factsheet - Stock Exclusion Rules (PDF, 126.9KB) NES-F Factsheet - Synthetic Nitrogen Fertiliser Cap (PDF, 963.4KB) NES-F Factsheet - Wetlands (PDF, 448.9KB) The Ministry for the Environment also provides factsheets to assist orgnaisations with implementing the Essential Freshwater policies and regulations. Go to the factsheets page on the Ministry for the Environment website