In 2008, Council embarked on a strategic project to plan ahead to meet the challenges of the next 25 years:
- Population growth of up to 9,000 new residents
- 4,650 new jobs
- Ageing population
- Smaller household size
The Growing Marlborough strategy was prepared to provide the Council, individuals and other groups with an agreed and defendable platform to guide strategic investment and development decisions. For Council, this includes the development of the Marlborough Environment Plan, 30 year infrastructure strategy and Long Term Plans.
The strategy was based on an integrated approach where at all times consideration was given to the relationship between economic, environmental, social and cultural perspectives.
Growing Marlborough was derived from three sub-strategies, each tailored to specific issues and opportunities facing different parts of the district. These are:
- Blenheim Town Centre Revitalisation Strategy
- Marlborough Urban Growth and Development Strategy - Wairau/Awatere settlements (subsequently revised following a liquefaction risk assessment)
- Marlborough Urban Growth and Development Strategy - Picton, Havelock and Inner Sounds settlements
Public consultation was a key feature in the development and adoption of the Growing Marlborough strategy. In addition to community discussions during the sub-strategy development phases, a formal public consultation was undertaken prior to adopting the final Growing Marlborough District Wide strategy in 2013.
As well as informing Council's major strategic documents, a number of associated documents have been developed following the completion of the sub-strategy.