Alcohol Control Bylaw 2024
A bylaw to control the consumption of alcohol in those public places where Council is concerned the possession of liquor in the public place may result in disorderly behaviour and criminal offending.
Animals Bylaw 2017
This bylaw controls the keeping of animals, birds and bees in the Marlborough district.
Cemeteries Bylaw 2017
This bylaw sets controls for cemeteries in the Marlborough District.
Dog Control Bylaw 2021
This is a bylaw that sets controls for dogs including leashing, exercising, licensing and other controls when on public places.
East Coast Beach Vehicle Bylaw 2023
This bylaw restricts vehicle use along Marlborough’s coastline from the mouth of the Awatere River, south to the district boundary.
Navigation Bylaw 2023 and Navigation (Vessel Speed) Bylaw 2009
These bylaws are the most appropriate method to ensure appropriate behaviour and address potential risks within Marlborough’s waterways.
Nuisance Bylaw 2017
This is a bylaw that sets controls related to litter and other nuisances.
Parking Bylaw 2017
This bylaw sets control on parking on roads in the Marlborough District.
Reserves and Other Public Places Bylaw 2017
This bylaw controls activities that may be undertaken in public places within the Marlborough district.
Responsible Camping Control Bylaw 2022
The Marlborough District Council Responsible Camping Control Bylaw 2022 relates to responsible camping on land administered by Council in the Marlborough district.
Trade Waste Bylaw 2011
This bylaw sets standards for tradewaste and determines how tradewaste may be accepted into the public wastewater system.
Traffic Bylaw 2017
This bylaw sets control on the use of roads in the Marlborough District.
Waste Bylaw 2017
This bylaw places controls on collection and disposal of waste and on littering.