Due to maintenance some of our online services including Property Files Online may be intermittently unavailable on Wednesday 19 March between 5.30 pm and midnight. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Note: Building consent number searches show building consents issued from the introduction of the NZ Building Act 1991 (BA91). For pre BA91 Building Permits search by address or property number.
All our property and resource consent files are online. This means you can view the information you need from
your own office or home, and print or download what you need, any time of the day or night. The information in the files may not be
complete; it may not be all of the information Council holds about a particular property or resource consent.
As always, our customer service team is still on hand by phone, email or in person at our Blenheim and Picton offices to answer your
queries. If you wish to view online files at our offices, you may do so using special viewing terminals.
You still have the option of asking us for copies of the information you have viewed. Photocopying charges will
Online Process and Disclaimer
The information provided is made available under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA). Council
accepts no liability for any error, omission, or inaccuracy of the information or from any use of or reliance on the information provided.
The information provided does not constitute a Land Information Memorandum or any similar document.
For further information on your privacy rights, please view the Council's Privacy Statement.