Funding, Grants and Awards
Civic Honours Awards
Council considers nominations once every term of Council.
Funding Bodies
Information on givUS and givME funding bodies.
Grant and Funding Accountability Forms
In this section you will find all grant accountability forms.
Marlborough Awards
This award is intended to recognise and reward individuals, companies or organisations who have significantly benefited Marlborough.
Marlborough Community Awards
Any not-for-profit group or organisation working in the interests of the community may be nominated.
Marlborough Creative Communities Scheme
This scheme supports and encourages local communities to create and present diverse opportunities for accessing and participating in arts activities.
Marlborough District Council Arts and Heritage
Marlborough District Council Arts and Heritage application information.
Marlborough District Council Community Grants
The focus of the funding is to provide assistance to not-for-profit organisations providing essential services that assist in developing the community at large.
Outward Bound – Ka Mahi Scholarship Programme
The Marlborough First Light Foundation is a charitable trust formed to help young people to attend an Outward Bound course.
Marlborough Living Cultural Treasure Award
Extraordinary, inspiring and significant in cultural endeavour over a lifetime, and wherever possible sharing these with the community.
Queen Elizabeth II Award of Music Fund
Awarded to Marlborough or Kaikōura candidate/s who in the previous year passed the Royal School of Music or Trinity College of Music examinations Grade VIII instrumental or Grade VI vocal.
Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund
The purpose of the fund is to encourage youth (5 to 18 years) participation in local sports competition for those in rural areas.
Waiving of Fees
Waiving of fees to assist non-profit organisations to reduce costs when developing facilities for community, social, recreation and cultural needs.
Mahi mō te Taiao/Working for Nature Grant
Marlborough District Council’s environmental grant scheme provides funding to projects that protect and restore native ecosystems.
Youth Civic Awards
The Youth Civic Awards are held biannually to acknowledge young people who have undertaken voluntary service beneficial to other Marlborough residents.