Being Prepared
Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. It's up to you to take steps to make sure you're prepared. The Get Ready website has information you can use to prepare yourself for many types of emergency events.
We've all got skills and resources that can help us get through an emergency. Here's some tips and links to information that could be helpful.
Tip - What we Can Control
We can't control emergencies - but we can control how we prepare.
Tip - Look After Yourself, Whānau and Neighbours
Look after yourself, your whānau and your neighbours. Emergency services will be focused on identifying and responding to priorities so unless it's urgent, they might not get to you for a while.
Tip - Resource Sharing
Share your resources. We've all got things that can make life easier after an emergency, and some of those things can be shared within our neighbourhoods. For example, can two or three families share a barbecue and gas bottles?
Tip - Get Informed
Get informed. Use MetService to stay on top of the best advice about the weather. Go to Geonet for geological hazard information for New Zealand.
Need More Information?
The Get Ready website has everything you need to know about getting your family and whanau, business and pets ready for an emergency.