National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020
The National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD) sets out objectives and policies for urban development under the Resource Management Act 1991. Councils must give effect to these objectives and policies.
The Marlborough District Council is considered ‘Tier 3’ under the NPS-UD, we are not required to complete the full monitoring requirements of a Tier 1 or 2 council, instead we are strongly encouraged to monitor development within our urban environments.
The purpose of this dashboard is to monitor urban
development activity in Marlborough, with a particular focus on Blenheim as the
region’s largest urban centre.
Council monitors a range of indicators quarterly but summarises and reports on these on an annual basis using information from the dashboard and associated sources, the dashboard provides a graphical representation of these indicators.
All data sources (and attribution) are listed in the relevant dashboards.