From time to time, issues arise in managing Marlborough's resources that mean it is necessary to review Resource Management Plan provisions so that sustainable outcomes can be achieved. Managing the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan is very much a process of rolling review and it is expected that plan review work, involving one or more topical issues, will be occurring almost continually.
Operative Plan Changes
The following operative plan changes have been made to the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan and have been incorporated into the Plan. The individual details of each operative plan changes is contained in the table below.
For the details of each change click on the title.
Proposed Plan Changes
The following plan changes have been proposed for the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan and have not yet been made operative. The individual details of each proposed plan change is contained in the table below.
Plan Changes (PC) and Variations (V)
Council may make Plan Changes through a process of notifying a change, calling and hearing submissions, making decisions on those submissions and dealing with any appeals that may arise. At the end of the process the changes are made operative and they become part of the Plan. Click above to see the operative or proposed changes.
There are two ways in which Council's Resource Management Plans can be amended; by a change or by a variation. A change is any change made to an operative plan, while a change made to a proposed plan is a variation. While the majority of the Marlborough Sounds Resource Management Plan is operative, there are a few parts which are not operative as they are still under appeal. There are currently changes proposed to both the operative part of the plan (plan changes) and the proposed part of the plan (variations).
Both plan changes and variations must follow the process set out for each in the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991. Under the Resource Management Act 1991 as soon as a plan change or variation is notified Council is required to have regard to the proposed change or variation. Some of the provisions of the plan change or variation may affect the type of information or consent that is required for a proposal or activity.