Riders asked to respect road closures
Council’s Multi Modal Advisor Transport Services Charlotte Campbell-Lamerton says it’s important cyclists respect closed routes around Marlborough this summer.
“Closures are there to keep you safe as well as the contractors involved in any works. If there’s signage detailing a closed route, it is with good reason,” she said.
Taylor Pass Road near Blenheim is closed to all vehicles – including cyclists – from Monday to Friday between 7am and 5pm until the middle of 2026. “There is ongoing logging extraction taking place during the working week, which means that Taylor Pass is closed for safety reasons,” Ms Campbell-Lamerton said.
The Wairau River access track running between State Highways 6 and 63 also has some full access closures in place for riverbank repairs. “Cyclists should not enter works sites where heavy machinery is being used. If it says it is closed – it is,” she said.
“While it’s great to see so many people out on bikes getting to and from work, school and sport, remember to follow the road code and use appropriate cycling etiquette, especially in locations with shared users. Even in summer it’s still important that you wear high viz garments to enhance your visibility to pedestrians as well as vehicle drivers.”
To keep up to date with road closures and updates please download Council’s Antenno app.
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