There’s just over a week left to have your say on what you want for the long-term future of rivers, streams and wetlands in Marlborough.
This is the second of three public consultations being run by Council to help draft changes to the Marlborough Environment Plan. “This part of the process is focusing on vision and environmental outcomes for freshwater,” said Council’s Strategic Planner Sarah Pearson.
Protection for freshwater ecosystems, good quality drinking water and access to irrigation for vineyards and farms have all been raised during a series of public drop-in sessions held from Ward to Havelock last month.
A strong turnout in Blenheim also brought urban concerns to the table, and how we need to manage activities on the land to look after freshwater quality and quantity.
“We’ve had some great discussions at the drop-in sessions with a wide range of people and community leaders engaged and wanting to find out more about managing our freshwater into the future,” Sarah said. “New rules and policy in the Marlborough Environment Plan will be based on community and iwi feedback, so please have your say by 15 December.”
For more information and an online survey
Go to the freshwater management section of the website