Marlborough District Councillors adopted the Long Term Plan 2024-34 (LTP) at a special emergency meeting of Council today.
The adoption of the LTP and the setting of rates for the 2024-25 year confirms an average rate increase for Marlborough ratepayers of 13.62 per cent.
Mayor Nadine Taylor thanked Councillors and staff for their work in preparing this LTP which had been “the most complex” in recent times. “This Long Term Plan has been a long time coming,” she told Councillors.
The complexity was due to the flow on effects of earthquakes and storm recovery on the region, the unwinding of Council’s Covid rates subsidy, fluctuating interest rates and an inflationary environment and last but by no means least, the Sounds roads recovery project which really was now a “community resilience project”, Mayor Taylor said. “This is about ensuring our Sounds communities stay connected now and into the future.”
“Through the submission process Council listened carefully to the concerns of residents, particularly those from the Sounds, who have been living with broken roads and uncertainty for three years now,” she said. “The adoption of this LTP means our local share of Sounds road funding is confirmed. We now await the outcome of our Marlborough Sounds Future Access Study’s business case to NZ Transport Agency (NZTA).”
Mayor Taylor also outlined that almost all the money budgeted in the LTP was earmarked for core infrastructure.
“Central Government has said councils should focus on core infrastructure and that is exactly what we are doing with key projects including work on the water supplies around the district to upgrade pipelines, pump stations and wells to ensure they meet current needs. Drinking water improvements will continue with chlorination to be introduced in Blenheim and a new water treatment plant in Havelock, to ensure water meets national standards,” Mayor Taylor said.
Furthermore $8.7M has been allocated for the Spring Creek stopbank project with funding recently announced for this from Central Government.
“Council will also be investing in sewage treatment plants and pump stations in Blenheim, Riverlands, Picton and Renwick, plus a new sewage treatment plant for Havelock and a major upgrade for Seddon’s plant. Roading is the biggest item of Council expenditure at around 20 per cent, including maintenance, renewals and improvements to roads, footpaths, bridges and drainage.”
Mayor Taylor acknowledged the 365 public submissions received on the LTP including more than 100 submitters who presented to Council during four days of public hearings in early June. “Submitters provided Council with some very useful information which has helped significantly in our decision making,” she said.
Council’s Chief Financial Officer Geoff Blake said the audit report on the LTP was only received on Friday with a qualification related to two matters.
“These relate to Three Waters infrastructure asset renewals and the inflation assumptions Council used. The qualification does not mean the LTP is incorrect but that Audit New Zealand were not in a position to satisfy themselves with Council’s renewals forecasts particularly in the early years of the LTP. Council can be confident with the numbers but of course things do keep moving around us,” Mr Blake said.
“Unfortunately, new rates of inflation issued in July were higher than the ones we used in the LTP. Despite this the plan still represents a good basis for long term integrated decision making and coordination of Council’s resources and for accountability to the community. It is pleasing therefore to finally be able to set rates for 2024-25 and I would like to thank Marlborough ratepayers for their patience.”
Invoices are being prepared and will be posted to ratepayers within 2 weeks.
Once invoices are issued and received rates rebates can be applied for those eligible. Payments for the first quarter of rates will be due on 11 October with subsequent quarters due on dates consistent with previous years – 11 December 2024, 11 March 2025 and 11 June 2025.
Ratepayers can sign up to email to get their rates bill earlier
More information on receiving rates via email
Go to further information on the Long Term Plan 2024-34