Daytime road closures are planned for Queen Charlotte Drive from 7 February for up to three weeks.
The road will be closed about 1.8km from the SH6/Havelock turnoff near Cullen Point, Mahakipawa Hill, on weekdays from 9am until 3pm with hourly openings, on the hour, to let traffic through.
Outside of the closure period, works will continue under stop/go traffic management.
These works are for the construction of an earth wall, along with drainage upgrades.
Works are being undertaken at various sites on Queen Charlotte Drive, between Cullen Point and Shakespeare Bay, including a retaining wall near Aussie Bay and surfacing and finishing works at a new retaining wall site near Momorangi Bay campsite.
These sites are under stop/go traffic management.
Motorists are warned of increased truck movements and are urged to plan for delays.