Council’s Specialist Change Facilities policy is due for review this year.
These facilities are dedicated places with specialist equipment where people with multiple or complex disabilities can be changed or toileted by a caregiver.
Council already has one at Liz Davidson Place, known as Te Huri, which includes a specialist change table, hand basin and lifting hoist.
There is provision for another at Te Kahu o Waipuna – Marlborough’s new library and art gallery.
A request to this year’s Annual Plan sought changes to the policy seeking additional facilities be provided, basing them on the Changing Places model (a branded facility), and removal of assessment of need or demand from the policy.
Council advised of the policy review due later this year but made no decision on the provision of additional facilities.
Feedback is now being sought on the policy and you can now your say by going to Council’s website.
Go to the Review of Specialist Change Facilities Policy