Submissions on the 2023-24 Annual Plan close at 5.00 pm on Monday 8 May so now’s the time to share your feedback on Council’s proposed budget.
This year’s proposed budget maintains Council’s current levels of service across Marlborough. It also continues a significant capital expenditure programme focused on our core infrastructure needs, primarily roading, sewerage and water treatment.
A small number of new expenditure items have been supported by councillors, leaving an overall proposed rates increase of 7.8 per cent for the year beginning 1 July 2023.
Hearings are scheduled for 6 to 8 June. The plan will be adopted by Council on 29 June with new rates effective from 1 July.
To find out more and have your say, go to Council’s website or pick up a copy of the consultation document from Council offices or the Picton Library.
Go to the Annual Plan Consultation page