Representation Review 2021
Submission process
You may submit on any aspect of Council's Initial Proposal, the other options considered, as well as providing your own thoughts on what the Council could consider in coming to its final decision.
Submitters are advised that the information supplied in written submissions may contain personal information within the meaning of the Privacy Act 2020. By taking part in this public submission process, submitters have agreed to any personal information (including names and contact details) which is contained in their submission being made available to the public as part of the consultation and decision making process. All information collected will be held by Marlborough District Council. Submitters have the right to access and correct personal information. Submissions will be published on Council's website as part of the public process.
Your submission on Council's initial proposal will help shape Council's representation arrangements for the next two local elections in 2022 and 2025.
Council will consider all submissions before making its final decision in mid-November 2021. This final decision will be advertised - all submitters to Council's initial decision will be notified - and if you disagree with it, you may appeal it to the Local Government Commission.
Council is working on ways of bringing this discussion to the various communities within Marlborough. With the current COVID-19 alert levels this may mean face-to-face community meetings cannot be undertaken. Options such as Zoom webinar type sessions may be undertaken instead.
Make a submission
Please send your submission via email to:
Or write to:
Attention Mike Porter
Marlborough District Council
PO Box 443
Blenheim 7240
The closing date for submissions is at 5.00pm on Friday 22 October 2021.
If you would like to talk to someone about making a submission, please contact Mike Porter, Democratic Services Manager.
Phone: 03 520 7400