Trade Waste Bylaw 2011
The Council is currently accepting submissions on a replacement trade waste bylaw.
If you wish to make a submission, please follow this link.
The Trade Waste Bylaw 2011 will remain in force until the replacement bylaw has been publicly notified.
This bylaw sets standards for tradewaste and determines how tradewaste may be accepted into the public wastewater system.
It provides for the classification of tradewaste according to the following classes:
- Acceptable - tradewaste that may be disposed of into the wastewater system subject to compliance with standard conditions
- Conditional - tradewaste that may be disposed of into the wastewater system provided specific conditions are complied with
- Prohibited - tradewaste that is not accepted for disposal into the wastewater system.
The bylaw applies throughout the Marlborough district for all of the Marlborough District Council sewer networks.
Read the document online
Marlborough District Council Tradewaste Bylaw 2011 (Flipbook)