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The content of this website is subject to Marlborough District Council copyright protection unless otherwise stated. We authorise you to reproduce material from this website only:
- Where reproducing material is necessary to perform a task associated with the website, such as printing an application form; or
- For personal and non-commercial use.
The permission to reproduce material in this way is given with the provisos that, if it is disseminated to any third party:
- Marlborough District Council's copyright must be acknowledged; and
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- It must not be presented in a misleading way.
The permission to print from this website does not extend to anything on the website that is the copyright of a third party. This website also provides links to other websites, which may contain copyright material. To reproduce material that is the copyright of a third party, you must obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. Marlborough District Council cannot give this permission. If you are in doubt you should contact us directly before reproducing the material.
Go to Contact Us page for contact details
The collection and use of personal information by the Marlborough District Council is regulated by the Privacy Act 2020 (the Act). Under the Act, personal information may be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with a function or activity of the Council, and only if necessary for that purpose. Such information must, as a general rule, be collected directly from the individual concerned and that person must be told why the information is needed.
Marlborough District Council will use personal information for the provision of Council services and will not make personal information available to the public except where authorised by the Act or other legislation.
Go to the Councils Privacy Statement
The information which is now being conveyed by Marlborough District Council has been compiled and is given in good faith. All proper endeavours are made to provide information that is accurate and current. However, Marlborough District Council does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of information and does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by a user in reliance on the information. You waive and release Marlborough District Council from any claims arising from your use of this website or the information provided by it. You indemnify Marlborough District Council against all claims, loss or damages arising in connection with your use of this website or the information provided by it. Information from this website may not be used for the purposes of any legal disputes.
While we take appropriate protective steps, we cannot guarantee that files downloaded from this website will be free of viruses and therefore accept no liability for damage caused by such viruses.
Definitive Version
The definitive version of a Resource Consent is the digital version which is available upon request in electronic or hard copy form. If there is any inconsistency between copies of the Resource Consent and the digital version on this site, the digital version will prevail to the extent of that inconsistency. With respect to migrated paper records the migrated scanned document will be treated in the first instance as the definitive original version of the document. Where there are inconsistencies between copies, the definitive scanned version will take precedence.
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