Blenheim Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade
Upgrade to Blenheim's sewage treatment plant.
Havelock Oxidation Ponds Upgrading Proposals
The STP serves both Havelock residential and commercial. The current population utilising the STP is estimated to be 550.
Picton Sewerage Upgrade
Council has selected a preferred option which will involve the discharge of well-treated effluent through a new outfall at a Picton Harbour site.
Seddon Sewage Treatment Plant
Seddon Sewage Treatment Plant information on compliance.
Sewerage FAQs
Frequently asked questions relating to sewerage.
Sewerage Systems
Marlborough District Council operates four sewerage systems.
Information on tradewaste.
Wastewater Asset Management Plan
This plan explains the current standard of service, the future expectation of stakeholders and the assumptions about the changing environment.