Proposed Temporary Road Closures – Anzac Day services 25th April 2025
From 5.00 am to 7.30 am.
London Quay from Auckland Street to Wellington Street
High Street from London Quay to the intersection of Dublin Street/Waikawa Road/High Street.
A detour route will be available via Auckland, Dublin and Waikawa streets during the closure.
Parking will be prohibited, and vehicles will be removed from 5.00 pm on Thursday 24 April to 8.00 am on Friday 25 April in the following areas:
London Quay from Auckland Street to Wellington Street
High Street from outside properties at 1 to 10 High Street.
From 8.30 am to 10:00 am
High Street from Inkerman Street to Alma Street
Uxbridge Street from Havelock Street to the Renwick Domain
A detour route will be available via Inkerman, Havelock and Alma streets during the closure.
Parking will be prohibited, and vehicles will be removed from 5.00 am to 10:00 am in the following areas:
High Street from Inkerman to Alma Streets
Alma Street from High Street to Havelock Street
Havelock Street from Alma Street to Inkerman Street
Inkerman Street from Havelock Street to High Street
From 11.00 am to 12.00 pm.
Arthur Street from Queen Street to the Countdown entranceway
Seymour Street from George Street to John Street, including the Alfred/Seymour, High/Seymour, Charles/Seymour and Arthur/Seymour Street intersections.
From 12.00 pm to 1.30 pm
High Street from Queen Street to Henry Street
Seymour Street from Charles Street to John Street
Alfred Street from Henry Street to Market Street
Hutcheson Street from Alfred Street to John Street
Russell Terrace from Alfred Street (including the Clubs of Marlborough carpark exit into Russell Terrace).
A detour route will be available via Queen, High, George, Henry, John and Hutcheson streets during the closure.
Parking will be prohibited, and vehicles will be removed from 6.00 am to midday in the following areas:
Arthur Street from Queen Street to Seymour Street
Seymour Street from George Street to John Street
High Street from Henry Street to Queen Street
Alfred Street from Henry Street to Market Street including Russell Terrace.
Free parking will be available at the Alfred Street parking building. Limited parking will be available on Henry Street and John Street.
During the proposed period of closure, ordinary vehicle traffic may use the road being closed between events under the supervision and authority of an officer of the New Zealand Police (Traffic Safety Branch).
It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person other than under the authority of an authorised permit holder to use the road for ordinary vehicle traffic during the period of closure.
This notice is given under the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965.
Persons wishing to object to the proposal are to lodge their objection and grounds thereof in writing before 11th April 2025, at the office of Marlborough Roads, The Forum, Market Street, Blenheim, PO Box 1031, Blenheim, 7240.
Any enquiries should be addressed to Dean Hawkey, Marlborough Roads, Ph: 021 923 536