How Rates are Calculated
The Marlborough district is divided into six geographic areas for the purpose of rating general works and services rates and charges. These areas are:
- Blenheim
- Blenheim Vicinity
- Picton
- Picton Vicinity
- General Rural
- Sounds Admin Rural
All properties are rated for a:
- Geographic works and services rate (for the appropriate geographic rating area and land use differential based on land value)
- Geographic works and services charge (for the appropriate geographic rating area)
The amount levied for each is determined by the benefit allocation for each Council activity/function.
Council also levies targeted rates/charges for particular areas of benefit or services provided including:
- Debt servicing
- Roading
- Wairau Valley river flood protection
- Sewerage
- Water
- Refuse and recycling
- Energy efficiency
- Tourism
Council's Annual Plan/Long Term Plan
Part 4: Funding Impact Statement and Rates includes:
- Details on all rates and charges.
- Indicative impact on benchmark properties.
The rating effect is different on individual properties because:
- Movements in general rates do not impact uniformly on each geographic rating area, and
- Movements in targeted rates affect only those properties receiving those services.
The only factors responsible for increasing rates on an individual property are:
- If an individual's property value increases by more than the average increase for their geographic rating area.
- If an individual's property value decreases by less than the average decrease for their geographic rating area.
- If an individual's property value alters as a result of new improvements being added (only affects rates levied on a capital value basis).
- If the property changes its eligibility for separate service rates/charges (e.g; it now qualifies for water, sewerage, refuse and recycling etc).
- If Council amends its Revenue and Financing Policy. Council amended its Revenue and Financing Policy in accordance with that proposed in its 2018-28 Long Term Plan Consultation Document.
- If Council increases its rating income requirement through the Annual Planprocess.
View Council's full 2024-34 Long Term Plan
A hard copy can be viewed at Council's offices.