
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority’s Warmer Kiwi Homes initiative is a Government-funded programme that offers grants for qualifying homeowners who live in their own homes for:
- 80%-90% of the total cost of ceiling and underfloor insulation.
- 80%-90% of the cost of an approved heater installed in your home. This could be a heat pump or an efficient wood or pellet burner for the main living area. Grants for heaters are capped at $3000 (including GST). Wood burners are not available in all areas.
Can I get a Warmer Kiwi Homes grant?
Homeowners are eligible for an insulation grant if they are the homeowner (not a Landlord) and the:
- homeowner permanently occupies the home; and
- the home was built before the year 2008; and
- the home does not have adequate insulation; and
- the homeowner has a Community Services Card or SuperGold combo card, OR the home is in an area identified as low-income.
Homeowners may also be eligible for a heating grant if they meet the above criteria and don't already have an existing operational efficient heating appliance in the main living area.

Check your eligibility online
Homeowners can check their eligibility by using this simple online tool to check eligibility. You can also phone 0800 749 782.
Further information can be found on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) website.
Go to the Warmer Kiwi Homes page on the EECA website
Go to the EECA website to check eligibility
100% funded (free!) insulation for some properties
- In the top of the south, Warmer Healthier Homes Te Tau Ihu Charitable Trust provides additional funding to top up the Warmer Kiwi Homes insulation grant to 100%. Marlborough District Council contributes funding to this local insulation initiative.
- This means that qualifying households do not have to pay anything for their ceiling and underfloor insulation.
To qualify for a Warmer Healthier Homes Grant, you must:
- Own and live in a home built prior to 2008; and
- Have a Community Services Card or SuperGold combo card; OR
- Live within Deprivation Area 8, 9 or 10 as defined by the NZ Deprivation Index. You can find a map of these areas on the Environmental Health Intelligence NZ website here.
- The table below will help you understand how much you will be covered by both the EECA grant and the local Trust:
Deprivation area | EECA (Warmer Kiwi Homes programme) Insulation & Heater | Marlborough Trust (Warmer Healthier Homes programme) Insulation only | Total Grant for ceiling and underfloor insulation |
7 | 80% | 10% | 90% |
8 | 80% | 20% | 100% |
9 | 90% | 10% | 100% |
10 | 90% | 10% | 100% |
Any – But holder of a Community Services Card | 90% | 10% | 100% |
If you think you might qualify for a Warmer Healthier Homes Grant, please contact the project contractor Absolute Energy by phone 0800 423 454 or visit their website to check your eligibility