Alcohol Licensing Public Notices
Herzog Wine Collection Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of an On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 81 Jeffries Road, Rapaura, Marlborough District known as Hans Herzog Estate.
Geneva Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of an On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 80 Hammerichs Road, Rapaura, Marlborough District known as The Wine Kitchen.
Herzog Wine Collection Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of an Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at 81 Jeffries Road, Rapaura, Marlborough District known as Hans Herzog Estate.
Event Cinemas Limited On Licence
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of an On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 4 Kinross Street Blenheim, Marlborough District known as Event Cinemas Blenheim.
Astrolabe Wines Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of an On Licence and Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at Horton Street, Blenheim, Marlborough District known as Astrolabe Small Town Winery.
The Marlborough Lodge Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of an Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at 776 Rapaura Road, Rapaura, Marlborough District known as The Marlborough & Harvest Restaurant.
Riverby Estate Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of an Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at 284 Jacksons Road, Rapaura, Marlborough District known as Riverby Estate.
Bombay High Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of an On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 77 Queen Street Blenheim, Marlborough District to be known as A-J's BBq Restaurant.
Shyloe Jennifer Leslie On Licence
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of an On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 2394 SH 1 Grovetown, Marlborough District known as Fat Tonys.
Antmoore Brands Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the issue of conditions of an Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at 309 Rapaura Road, Rapaura, Marlborough District to be known as Ant Moore Wines Cellar Door.
DNA Brewing Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the issue of conditions of an Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at 309 Rapaura Road, Rapaura, Marlborough District to be known as DNA Brewing.
The Waitohi 2023 On Licence
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of an On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 7 Auckland Street Picton, Marlborough known as The Waitohi.
Tupari Wines Limited
Alcohol LicensingPublic NoticesPublic notice for the renewal of conditions of a On Licence in respect of the premises situated at Mills Street, Seddon, Marlborough District to be known as Tupari Cellar Door.