It is also Council's policy to research and assess additional items of heritage value in the District. In order to carry out this responsibility, Council works with the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, Tangata Whenua, and the local community (including stakeholders, land owners, community members and other organisations) in the identification of potential historic heritage buildings, places, sites or trees.
This is where we need your help! If you know of a building, site, place or tree that has not been included in the register, please fill in the Heritage Nomination Form and send it to Council.
Oxleys Rock Hotel heritage building.
When identifying heritage resources for scheduling in the registers, Council uses the following historic heritage criteria, including whether the feature:
Wellingtonia heritage tree.
When identifying heritage resources for scheduling in the register, Council uses the following heritage tree criteria, including whether the tree:
Council places great importance on the input and support of community stakeholders in its ongoing efforts to protect historic heritage and heritage trees. Often it is the support of individual private land owners or groups that enables the ongoing preservation of heritage buildings, places, sites or heritage trees.