Proposed Visions
What are visions?
Long-term freshwater visions are how we all want freshwater to be in the future.
Under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM) Councils must set long-term freshwater visions for each Freshwater Management Unit (FMU), part of an FMU or for a catchment.
Visions are goals with timeframes which must be both ambitious but reasonable (that is difficult to achieve but not impossible).
They must be developed through engagement with communities and tangata whenua and be informed by an understanding of the history of and environmental pressures within the FMU.
Achieving visions and reaching environmental outcomes ensures that the values of an FMU can continue to be experienced and enjoyed.
Council is required to include long-term visions as objectives in the proposed Marlborough Environment Plan (PMEP).
The NPSFM recognises Māori approach freshwater management in a different way. Council is working with the nine tangata whenua Iwi within Marlborough to identify their visions. The visions will also be incorporated into the council’s planning and decision-making processes to ensure they are provided for.
Proposed vision for the Waiau-toa / Clarence FMU
The health of the waterbodies and freshwater ecosystems are maintained, protected, and enhanced for current and future generations, especially in Rangitahi / Molesworth. Freshwater and riparian habitats are restored, enhanced and protected. Waterbodies free of introduced plant and fish species are maintained and protected, and native species are thriving.
Healthy and resilient freshwater systems form an integral part of a flourishing and resilient wider environment. Impacts of threats and pressures are understood, reduced and contained where needed through strong and clear collaborative management.
The outstanding natural and scenic values of the Waiau-toa / Clarence FMU are maintained and protected from degradation.
The area, especially the Rangitahi / Molesworth, continues to be used and valued both locally and by visitors for a wide range of recreational purposes, in, on and alongside freshwater bodies, without detriment to waterbody or ecosystem health. Historic Māori trails and associated cultural values including mahinga kai and wai-tapu are remembered and protected, along with other historical connections.
The feedback on the strawman visions will be considered by the freshwater policy team, amendments will be made where appropriate and timelines will be assigned to these visions as required by the NPSFM.