What is an Enviroschool
Imagine a generation of innovative and motivated young people, who instinctively think and act sustainably: wake up to an enviroschools day.
Students are learning science, technology and art by helping architects to design a solar heated classroom with a water system that supplies the swimming pool and organic food garden. In a maths class, students use data from the audit they conducted with their caretaker to report on energy and water savings to the board of trustees. Horticulturalists and parents are working with a class in the plant propagation unit. They are raising trees to revegetate their adopted gully and establish a rongoā (Māori medicinal) garden. Younger children are mapping the existing trees and recording their native names, and, while English students prepare their submission to the district council's district plan, eg; water quality, others are adding the worm farm project to the school landscaping plan.
It is a vision that is already becoming reality for many schools through involvement in the Enviroschools programme.
Benefits of being an Enviroschool