E-Link Websites
Education for the Environment
This webpage from the TKI environmental education community links to a paper that explores the issue of education for the environment and outlines strategies teachers can use. It provides examples of students' work from schools that have put the environmental paper into practice, and includes video clips from Year 7 to 8 students.
Go to Ministry of Education website
Department of Conservation
The DOC website has great information for teachers and students. You can download publications and activity sheets based around themes in environmental education and find out about field trips that can be arranged in your region.
Go to Department of Conservation website
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Energy fuels our lifestyles, at work and at home, 24 hours a day. See information here on using less energy and building a cleaner, more dependable energy system which makes better use of renewable energy resources.
Go to Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority website
Environmental Monitoring and Action Group (EMAP)
Lots of water-based resources and information about what schools are doing around the country in regards to monitoring freshwater resources. Includes curriculum planning resources, newsletters and case studies.
Five different study areas can be investigated through the EMAP project. These are hydrology (water studies), atmosphere (weather studies) soil, land cover (changes in land use) and phenology (seasonal effects).
Go to Department of Conservation website
Marine NZ
A new site all about New Zealand's marine environment. Lots of images and a range of resources designed specifically for teachers and students.
Sustainability Action in New Zealand
An excellent range of resources about reducing your impact with rubbish, water, energy, building, transport, gardening and shopping.
Go to Ministry for the Environment website
Ministry for Primary Industries
Learn about the biosecurity issues facing New Zealand and find out more about how individuals can help to protect our environment.
Go to Ministry for Primary Industries website
New Zealand Association for Environmental Education
The New Zealand Association for Environmental Education is a national, non-profit organisation that promotes and supports lifelong learning and encourages behaviours that lead to sustainability for New Zealand/Aotearoa.
Go to New Zealand Association for Environmental Education website
Clean up the World
This annual event, held around the third weekend of September, brings together millions of people in more than 100 countries and inspires them to clean up and conserve their environment.
Ecological Footprint
Answer a series of questions to calculate your personal ecological footprint: more suitable for intermediate and secondary students
Go to Ministry for the Environment website
Online resources for teachers and students on New Zealand's fisheries and fisheries management.
Go to Ministry for Primary Industries website
The Treasures of the Sea
WWF New Zealand has launched a marine biodiversity online reference. It's an in-depth summary of all our marine species and includes general descriptions and information about status, location, threats and habitats. While too technical for primary school students, this would be useful for senior high school and tertiary students and as a background reference for any teacher.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful
Keep New Zealand Beautiful is a non-profit organisation operating as a charitable trust to promote litter abatement, waste reduction and town and city beautification, set up under the New Zealand Litter Act 1979.
Go to Keep New Zealand Beautiful website
Māori Organisation Online Directory
The link below is to a comprehensive website directory of iwi and Māori organisations. One of its main purposes is to provide updated contact details so can be referred to as and when needed.
Go to Te Puni Kokiri/Ministry of Māori Development website
For the latest updates on Enviroschools' information and local stories go to the Enviroschools' Marlborough website and check our Facebook page Enviroschools Marlborough.
Go to the Enviroschools' Marlborough website
For more information about the National Enviroschools' programme see the Enviroschools' website.