A Guide to EM Bokashi
On this page
- All about EM
- What is EM Bokashi?
- A Guide to EM Bokashi Brochure
- How to use the EM Bokashi system
- Location of the EM Bokashi bucket
- Setting up the system
- The bucket
- The signs of a successful fermentation
- The signs that all is not well
- Why the fermentation process goes wrong
- Using EM bucket juice
- How to use your EM compost
- Final step
- Testimonials
- Bokashi hints
Why the fermentation process goes wrong
- Not adding enough Bokashi.
- Not replacing the container lid tightly after every use.
- Not draining the EM bucket juice frequently from the bucket.
- Prolonged and direct exposure to sunlight and extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold).
The EM bucket juice cannot be stored and must be used within 24 hours after draining from the bucket. Check out below to see how to use the juice from the bucket.
Using EM bucket juice
The amount and colour of the liquid drained will depend on the type of foods you have put into the bucket. Fruit and vegetables tend to release more liquid than other foods. The colour of the liquid may vary, depending on the materials put into the Bokashi bucket. Do not be concerned if little or no liquid is produced. The liquid can be used for:
The garden
This liquid contains nutrients from the food organics and is alive with EM. To fertilise an existing garden or house plants use 1 teaspoon to 2-3 litres of water and apply directly to the soil. For trees and shrubs use 2 teaspoons to 2-3 litres of water. Do not apply directly to foliage.
The house
Pour the concentrated liquid directly into your kitchen and bathroom drains, toilets or septic system. The EM will help to prevent algae build-up and control odours.
How to use your EM compost
In Existing Gardens
Dig a hole/trench approximately 20-25 cms deep, add the fermented food organics and mix with some soil. Then cover with the remaining soil. The EM fermented compost is acidic when first dug in but neutralises after 7-10 days. Bacteria in the soil and compost will start to break down the food, and after about 2-3 weeks all the food will have decomposed.
Alternatively you can add it to a bottomless bucket with a good lid that is buried up to its neck in the soil. Mix a little soil to each batch of compost that you place into the buried bucket.
Be sure plant roots do not come directly into contact with the compost as it may burn the roots particularly if the plants are very young.
Around trees
Dig deep holes 25-30 cms deep at 60 cm intervals around the tree drip line. Bury the fermented food in the holes as before. The compost will supply your plants with a great food source and inoculate your soil with useful microbes for good plant health.
Final step
Wash the bucket thoroughly with water at the end of each batch. Do not dry in the sun as the lid may warp.
Q: | Can I Use EM Bokashi elsewhere? Yes if you have a worm farm, add a handful of Bokashi to help condition your can and improve the performance of the worms. We hope you enjoy using your EM bucket composting system. Remember the more you compost the better it is for the environment and for your garden too. |
Q: | Where can I get the bucket and Bokashi from and how much do they cost? EM
Bokashi bucket sets, which include a 1kg compost bag, are available for
purchase from Council Offices.-
- Good system and easy to use.
- Rotted well and no sign of what was buried. Planted strawberries on top.
- Used liquid on compost bin and pot plants.
- Good process and no smell.
- New garden with poor soil now has worms after using Bokashi.
- Simple system and easy for women to handle.
- Used compost for tree planting and for growing beans in.
- Took two weeks to disappear after burying and only tea bags and egg shells evident.
- Bokashi used in flower garden for tomatoes and cucumbers. They were huge.
- Liked convenience. Good form of recycling.
- Rotted quickly and only outer skin of corn left.
- Clean and easy. Great way to treat waste.
- Easier than worm farm. Amazed how quickly it broke down to a humus level.
- Great not having to go outside to compost in wet/cold weather.
- Bokashi looks after itself. Easy system.
Bokashi hints
- Bury Bokashi with a good layer of soil. Make sure it is not exposed to the air. Vermin can be attracted to it.
- Also hens love digging it up.
- Use ice cream container, put Bokashi in the bottom of container. When it is full with food waste add to bin in laundry or garage wherever you have a suitable space.
- If you want longer term storage use a strong plastic bag. Put a good layer of Bokashi into the bag then tip in processed Bokashi. Cover again with more Bokashi and seal. This should be still quite useable when garden is cleared and you have space to plant.
- For a quick and easy system - just dig a hole and put a handful of Bokashi in the bottom. Just add your organic kitchen scraps and cover with a sprinkle of Bokashi. This will take longer, but will still work effectively.