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The main parameters indicating degraded river health in Are Are Creek are:
Reason for monitoring
Water Clarity
Water clarity is a measure of sediment in the water. Fine sediment affects the growth of aquatic insects and fish. When the sediment settles on the riverbed, it smothers habitats and degrades food sources. Reduced water clarity also impacts on the recreational values of rivers.
E. coli bacteria
E. coli are an indicator for faecal contamination, which has negative effects on aquatic ecosystems and presents a health risk to recreational users.
Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus
These are the forms of Phosphorus that are easily taken up by plants. High concentrations lead to excessive algae growth, which impacts aquatic habitat quality and oxygen levels.
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) refers to the soluble nitrogen content within the water column, which is readily available for uptake by algae thriving in the waterway and streambeds. Elevated DIN can trigger excessive algal growth, which can have detrimental impacts on both aquatic habitat quality and ecosystems and the visual appeal of water bodies.
Water Quality Index for all river and stream monitoring sites over the period between 2020 and 2022 inclusive.