Parrot's Feather (RPMP 2018)

Parrot's Feather is subject to a Sustained Control programme as part of the Regional Pest Management Plan 2018. It has a limited distribution and density and the long term goal is to ensure the infestations are maintained at very low levels.
Marlborough District Council will carry out all the control work required for this pest at no cost to the landowner. Sites are visited by biosecurity staff at regular intervals to ensure all infestations are controlled before they seed, ensuring the infestations are maintained at very low levels.
Parrot's Feather is also an unwanted organism under the Biosecurity Act 1993 given it is on the National Pest Plant Accord list of species banned from sale, propagation, distribution or commercial display.
Should you see this plant please report it immediately to the Marlborough District Council who will arrange for its control.

See the RPMP programme for Parrot's Feather for details of the rules: