Council owns approximately 10 hectares of low-lying land adjacent to the lower reaches of Spring Creek and on the western side of State Highway 1. This land plays a river control function as it stores and ponds Spring Creek floodwaters approximately every five years. The land is also home to four remnant kahikatea and for many years, this particularly low-lying damp site has been identified as having significant ecological restoration and wetland potential. The area is currently leased for grazing, however a progressive reduction of lease area has been negotiated to allow for proposed ecological development. A concept development plan was prepared in 2006 by Lucas Associates Limited and has assisted with development of the area. In excess of 11,000 ecosourced seedlings have been planted within the reserve 2006, with some 3.5 hectares of the 10 hectares now planted. The local school and community are also involved in this project. Ongoing planting is planned over future years as resources allow, with ongoing maintenance also being done as required. Public access will be promoted with walking tracks, boardwalks, water fowl hides and educational interpretation planned once the area develops further.